There's a new FOX television show bringing the Lie Detector to your TV. Watch here The Moment of Truth episode that has aroused controversy.
.MOT contestants advance from simple questions to far more embarassing ones, with family members, parents, and even old heart throbs present. Contestants dare to air their dirty laundry in public, all the while working to avoid setting off the dreaded Lie Detector, which analyses each answer.
In reality, a lie detector is a GUILT detector, recording the body's measurable reactions to lies. It seems that our LORD God has embedded truthfulness into his creation. The body revolts against lies, just as it should. In this Moment of Truth episode, the woman is asked "do you think you are a good person." She says yes, and fails the lie detector test. She knew better, but had "suppressed the truth in ungodliness."
Be sure and stay tune for Ray Comfort's penetrating analysis of this novel (and INACCURATE!) reality show's implications. And be careful: in this day of surveillance cameras, miniature microphones, and invisible computer logs any moment could quickly become a Moment of Truth.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."