Participate. CHANGE. Lead.
These are the "big three"that summarize the goals of Focus On The Family's The Truth Project, a recent "in depth Christian worldview experience" offered with much prayer and support to the church of Jesus Christ. Click the links in this summary.
The Truth Project is a DVD-based curriculum (and supporting website) designed to expose God's people to a comprehensive, systematic, and experimental Christian worldview within the local church context, then mobilize them to impart that worldview. This tool takes the form of 12 Scripture-saturated lessons from expert teacher (and PCA elder) Del Tackett whom you can learn about here.
This Christian worldview curriculum presents the Christian Gospel and its relational implications. You can learn more about The Truth Project or watch an introduction video.
How do we disciple the Lord's people in the truth? Tackett answers by asking "what is truth" and relating it to the saving work of Jesus Christ. Whatever else may be said, it is clear that a deep transformation must occur. This occurs as the "components" of the Christian system of truth are taught and modelled by mature, godly Christian leaders.
Christian TRUTH is a comprehensive, systematic, Christian worldview of total reality. This is why Jesus said "I am the Truth" (Jn. 14:6). Truth is the CONTENT of what disciples of Jesus Christ believe and impart. This is why Jesus calls the Holy Spirit "the Spirit of truth...who will lead you into all truth" (Jn. 16:13). This notion of truth is rooted in a biblical understanding of anthropology and theology.
Upon the Biblical foundations of truth Tackett explores the four key disciplines of Philosophy & Ethics, Science (and developments in Intelligent Design theory), and the Story of History (including the American Experiment).
When we gaze upon the face of God we will be forever changed. Our hearts are taken captive by the loveliness of God, of his Word, and of his people. Once we've beheld his goodness and truth, the world's imitations lose their deceptive luster. This is when we can begin to pray that others might come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Ti. 2:25).
I would highly commend this Gospel resource to the Reformed Church (with one or two minor caveats). It is designed to be a discipleship tool that enables regular, everyday folks to engage in transformational discussions with believers and unbelievers in their own homes.
Each of us need to grapple with the implications of Gospel Truth in Sociology: how does God's truth unfold God's grand design for individuals & families, as employees and employers (labor), as neighbors (community), and as citizens in our towns, states, and nation (civil government). Del Tackett's articulation of the Six Social Spheres of society are a modern restatment of Abaham Kuyper's sphere sovereignty concept.
Deep transformation. Intimate fellowship. Use this worldview tool as you multiply your life in others. Attend a training event near you.