Telephones never cease to amaze me. I just got a call from three states away. My friend just wanted me to know that over breakfast he and his wife were praying for me.
I told him he was also in my heart, and I had prayed for them, for his aging mother, and for Dan, with whom he's shared the Gospel.
Then we prayed together on the phone. In between us were 800+ miles of cables, switches, and (now) computer software. Yet we were connected by "word."
This is a mystery...two believers uniting in long distant prayer toward Another even more distant. For both of us those prayers are an exercise of faith. I.e. we believe God hears, though we can't "see" his hearing of those prayers (2 Co. 5:7). We can't see him, yet we love him (1 Pe. 1:8).
Kinda like we called him and left a message on his answering machine.
But I think there's more to it. We don't call into the Heavenly Switchboard, and get the Master's Voicemail. No, I think that He is too personal for that. When we received his Spirit, we were given his private cell number. We can catch him in whatever he's doing. He's always available to us, if fact he's always actively listening.
As Romans 8:27 says "[The Father] who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit..." The very Source of the Spirit who moves within us is searching, scanning, laser-reading what the Spirit is bringing about within our hearts. That is personal.
The end result: we need a lot more prayers going on -- even over telephones. I participated in a pastor's conference call the other night with 500+ pastors. We were led in prayer, and the distance was nothing as God's people collectively sought after Him and His will...even over the phone lines.