Yet in reviewing pictures today, I remember the nurse in the delivery room cooing to my exhausted wife, "He's a little bundle of joy." In my big-picture head, I retorted, "Yeah, and of potential." After his circumcision I again thought, "Lord, what mysterious plans are wrapped up in this little bundle of flesh."
As the Psalmist says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord." A heritage is never static. It's always growing, expanding, deepening. Peter is my heritage from God -- an 8 lb. bundle of cells, synapses, and wiggling fingers and toes. What will MY heritage to Peter be? What will be his earliest conscious memories? Will he be pursuaded of the reality of Christianity by the lifestyles of his Dad, Mom, and fellow church members? O Lord, may you be pleased to INCREASE this heritage from you to me and me to my son!