A year of campaigns, talking heads, and election slogans, and it boils down to this: 25 seconds in the election booth. Today is Super-Duper Tuesday, and I have now cast my ballot in the presidential primary. Hang on for the fireworks yet to come!
Now I'm trying focus my affections on next Thursday -- a unique chance to show selfless service to those around me. Okay, so Valentine's Day has been made into a "girly" consumerized holiday. I'll grant that. But rather than writing off the whole thing, I would rather recapture a godly, manly, and self-sacrificing view of the day: a thing well within our grasp. Here is what one missions organization reminds us.
"Valentinus was a courageous saint who dared to tell the Roman emperor about the love of Jesus in third-century Rome. Against the emperor's edicts Valentinus performed secret marriage ceremonies. He was arrested by the emperor, who was furious not only about the marriage ceremonies, but also because Valentinus refused to worship the gods of Rome. For this, he was sentenced to death. Before the emperor Valentinus boldly proclaimed Jesus as Lord and invited the empoeror to believe in Christ."
It was this man's commitment to the Christian ideal of one-man-one-woman-for-life that led him to civil disobedience based upon the commands of God's Word. Lord, give me this same kind of passion for your institution of marriage next week as I seek to intentionally and authentically love my wife.
Hmmmm. This takes planning. A personal touch. Attentiveness to the subtle clues. Above all, I need to "express my feelings." There may be others to whom I need to show selfless love on this Server-Thursday, but my Lady is priority Uno. At least now its on the radar screen. Now I just need to lay plans.