I must admit, when I saw the youthful Heath Ledger fearlessly jousting in A Knight's Tale -- well, I was envious. Of course it was fiction (I mean, they did "the wave" at the jousting match). But that fairytale picture of knighthood seemed so much more....flashy.....desireable.....than my hum-drum Christian life.
But once again, proof that it's illusion. Reality is that Heath Ledger was a struggling actor. Reality is that two hours and two minutes before this writing he was found dead in his apartment in Manhattan, possibily a drug-related death according to the FoxNews story. He leaves behind a two-year old daughter and her mother.
Lord, my heart breaks for this young man. He looked so tall and strong in Hollywood's spotlights, but behind the image his heart ached for reality. I do not know where he's spending eternity. I have no evidence that he trusted in Jesus Christ.
But I do know that "I was envious of the proud." (Psalm 73:3). I knew that Ledger had houses in New York, Los Angeles, and Sydney, Australia. I know he sold one home for $7 million. Please teach me the goodness of contentment (taught in the Tenth Commandment, "You shall not covet.") Please give me a heart that breaks for those who do not have the light of Christ.
I do not know MY time either. Teach me to make my days count. I am happy and blessed through Christ.
But once again, proof that it's illusion. Reality is that Heath Ledger was a struggling actor. Reality is that two hours and two minutes before this writing he was found dead in his apartment in Manhattan, possibily a drug-related death according to the FoxNews story. He leaves behind a two-year old daughter and her mother.
Lord, my heart breaks for this young man. He looked so tall and strong in Hollywood's spotlights, but behind the image his heart ached for reality. I do not know where he's spending eternity. I have no evidence that he trusted in Jesus Christ.
But I do know that "I was envious of the proud." (Psalm 73:3). I knew that Ledger had houses in New York, Los Angeles, and Sydney, Australia. I know he sold one home for $7 million. Please teach me the goodness of contentment (taught in the Tenth Commandment, "You shall not covet.") Please give me a heart that breaks for those who do not have the light of Christ.
I do not know MY time either. Teach me to make my days count. I am happy and blessed through Christ.